Trajectories of parental and peer supply of alcohol in adolescence and associations with later alcohol consumption and harms: A prospective cohort study
- Creator: Aiken, Alexandra , Chan, Gary , Boland, Veronica C. , De Torres, Clara , Bruno, Raimondo , Kypri, Kypros , Wadolowski, Monika , Mattick, Richard P. , Peacock, Amy , Yuen, Wing See , Clare, Philip J. , Hutchinson, Delyse , McBride, Nyanda , Najman, Jackob M. , McCambridge, Jim , Upton, Emily , Slade, Tim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
“Using information to shape perception”: tobacco industry documents study of the evolution of Corporate Affairs in the Miller Brewing Company
- Creator: McCambridge, Jim , Garry, Jack , Kypri, Kypros , Hastings, Gerard
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2022
Alcohol use among young Australian adults in May–June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective cohort study
- Creator: Clare, Philip J. , Aiken, Alexandra , Yuen, Wing See , Upton, Emily , Kypri, Kypros , Degenhardt, Louisa , Bruno, Raimondo , McCambridge, Jim , McBride, Nyanda , Hutchinson, Delyse , Slade, Tim , Mattick, Richard , Peacock, Amy
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
The experience of physiological and psychosocial alcohol-related harms across adolescence and its association with alcohol use disorder in early adulthood: A prospective cohort study
- Creator: Yuen, Wing See , Bruno, Raimondo , Boland, Veronica , Upton, Emily , Farrell, Michael , Mattick, Richard P. , Peacock, Amy , Chan, Gary C. K. , McCambridge, Jim , Slade, Tim , Clare, Philip J. , Aiken, Alexandra , Kypri, Kypros , Hutchinson, Delyse , McBride, Nyanda
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Trajectories of alcohol-induced blackouts in adolescence: early risk factors and alcohol use disorder outcomes in early adulthood
- Creator: Yuen, Wing See , Chan, Gary , McBride, Nyanda , McCambridge, Jim , Boland, Veronica , Peacock, Amy , Bruno, Raimondo , Clare, Philip J. , Aiken, Alexandra , Mattick, Richard , Farrell, Michael , Kypri, Kypros , Slade, Tim , Hutchinson, Delyse
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
'Tied up in a legal mess': The alcohol industry's use of litigation to oppose minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland
- Creator: Hawkins, Benjamin , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Adolescent alcohol use trajectories: risk factors and adult outcomes
- Creator: Yuen, Wing See , Chan, Gary , Kypri, Kypros , Horwood, John , Hutchinson, Delyse , Najman, Jake , De Torres, Clara , Peacock, Amy , Bruno, Raimondo , Clare, Philip , Mattick, Richard , Aiken, Alexandra , Boland, Veronica , McBride, Nyanda , McCambridge, Jim , Slade, Tim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Advancing public health policy making through research on the political strategies of alcohol industry actors
- Creator: McCambridge, Jim , Kypri, Kypros , Sheldon, Trevor A. , Madden, Mary , Babor, Thomas F.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Enrolment-latency in randomized behavior change trials: individual participant data meta-analysis showed association with attrition but not effect-size
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Bowe, Steven J. , Karlsson, Nadine , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Ethanol content in Australian and New Zealand beer markets: exploratory study examining public health implications of official data and market intelligence report
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Harrison, Sarah , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
Parental supply of sips and whole drinks of alcohol to adolescents and associations with binge drinking and alcohol-related harms: a prospective cohort study
- Creator: Aiken, Alexandra , Clare, Philip J. , De Torres, Clara , Wadolowski, Monika , Bruno, Raimondo , Kypri, Kypros , Mattick, Richard P. , Peacock, Amy , Boland, Veronica C. , Degenhardt, Louisa , Yuen, Wing See , Hutchinson, Delyse , Najman, Jackob , McCambridge, Jim , Slade, Tim , McBride, Nyanda
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
The overall effect of parental supply of alcohol across adolescence on alcohol-related harms in early adulthood-a prospective cohort study
- Creator: Clare, Philip J. , Dobbins, Timothy , Bruno, Raimondo , Peacock, Amy , Boland, Veronica , Yuen, Wing See , Aiken, Alexandra , Degenhardt, Louisa , Kypri, Kypros , Slade, Tim , Hutchinson, Delyse , Najman, Jackob M. , McBride, Nyanda , Horwood, John , McCambridge, Jim , Mattick, Richard P.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020
'If someone donates $1000, they support you. If they donate $100 000, they have bought you'. Mixed methods study of tobacco, alcohol and gambling industry donations to Australian political parties
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , McCambridge, Jim , Robertson, Narelle , Martino, Florentine , Daube, Mike , Adams, Peter , Miller, Peter
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Randomized trial seeking to induce the Hawthorne effect found no evidence for any effect on self-reported alcohol consumption online
- Creator: McCambridge, Jim , Wilson, Amanda , Attia, John , Weaver, Natasha , Kypri, Kypros
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2019
Effect of electronic brief intervention on uptake of specialty treatment in hospital outpatients with likely alcohol dependence: pilot randomized trial and qualitative interviews
- Creator: Johnson, Natalie A. , Kypri, Kypros , McCambridge, Jim , Latter, Joanna , Dunlop, Adrian , Brown, Amanda , Saitz, Richard , Saunders, John B. , Attia, John , Wolfenden, Luke , Doran, Christopher
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Effect of electronic screening and brief intervention on hazardous or harmful drinking among adults in the hospital outpatient setting: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial
- Creator: Johnson, Natalie A. , Kypri, Kypros , Saunders, John B. , Saitz, Richard , Attia, John , Latter, Joanna , McElduff, Patrick , Dunlop, Adrian , Doran, Christopher , Wolfenden, Luke , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2018
Parental drinking and adverse outcomes in children: a scoping review of cohort studies
- Creator: Rossow, Ingeborg , Felix, Lambert , Keating, Patrick , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Social desirability bias in the reporting of alcohol consumption: a randomized trial
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Wilson, Amanda , Attia, John , Sheeran, Pascal , Miller, Peter , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
Social desirability bias in the reporting of alcohol consumption: a randomized trial
- Creator: Kypri, Kypros , Wilson, Amanda , Attia, John , Sheeran, Paschal , Miller, Peter , McCambridge, Jim
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016
User satisfaction with the structure and content of the NEXit intervention, a text messaging-based smoking cessation programme
- Creator: Müssener, Ulrika , Bendtsen, Marcus , McCambridge, Jim , Bendtsen, Preben
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2016